Supreme Court Names Domestic Violence Coalition’s Elly Jordan to ‘Justice for All’ Commission
LANSING, MI, January 29, 2021 – Michigan Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivor Law Clinic Lead Attorney Elinor “Elly” Jordan has been appointed by order of the Michigan Supreme Court to the newly-created Justice for All (JFA) Commission that will work toward the goal of 100 percent access to our civil justice system. The Commission will lead the implementation of the JFA Strategic Plan aimed at helping more Michiganians solve civil legal problems such as landlord-tenant issues, family law disputes such as parenting time or custody, and access to benefits.
The Commission will be supported by the State Court Administrative Office, State Bar of Michigan,
and the Michigan State Bar Foundation. Justice Brian Zahra will serve as Commission chair, and
Michigan Legal Help Director Angela Tripp will serve as vice chair.
“I am honored to work closely with Ms. Jordan on the JFA Commission. Her extensive legal expertise, advocacy, and service to the community make her uniquely qualified to help Michigan take steps toward opening the doors of justice widely for our neighbors, our communities, and people statewide,” Justice Zahra said.
Jordan will represent nonprofit local community organizations on the Commission, and will serve a term ending on December 31, 2021.
The JFA Task Force’s 2020 report highlights important desired outcomes that were identified by stakeholders and the steps needed to achieve those outcomes. Recommended steps include:
- Simplify, streamline and create uniform processes to improve the ability to navigate the court system.
- Improve the triage and referral systems through usability testing so that individuals can be connected to the resources they need.
- Provide education for parties on remote access to court resources, expand use of text messaging and other convenient technology, use plain language to explain procedures and processes.
- Test and implement new ways of providing affordable legal services, educate public and stakeholders on available resources.
- Improve technology and access at legal self-help centers and increase public awareness of these tools.
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