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Our training and consultation guide highlights the training topics that MCEDSV offers through our knowledgeable staff who hold vast expertise. For detailed information about training, training design, and fees, please see our brochure.

Human Trafficking Toolkit for Domestic and Sexual Violence Agencies


The Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence, in partnership with the Human Trafficking Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School, is pleased to introduce the Human Trafficking Toolkit for Domestic and Sexual Violence Agencies. The goal of this toolkit is to offer a comprehensive assessment of how agencies and advocates can improve the services provided to survivors of the related and often co-occurring traumas of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. By presenting an overview of human trafficking and its relationship to domestic violence and sexual assault the toolkit offers advocates the ability to better plan for, recognize, and support survivors of human trafficking, whom they are often already serving, although sometimes unknowingly. The toolkit supports intersectionality, survivor-centered, and trauma-informed practices that prioritize the reduction of harm. The toolkit is free to those interested, and can be downloaded through the following link:

Human Trafficking Toolkit for Domestic & Sexual Violence Agencies