
The Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence acts as a catalyst for innovative, long-range plans to end domestic and sexual violence and leads in the development and monitoring of state and national legislation. Our members represent a network of over 70 domestic and sexual violence programs and over 100 allied organizations and individuals.

Public policy advocacy is a critical part of our work to support survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and in meeting our ultimate goal of ending violence against women. Throughout the year, MCEDSV monitors both state and federal legislation and public policy initiatives to assure that the needs of survivors are at the forefront of any new laws, initiatives, and funding decisions.

Member Program Services

Members of MCEDSV provide domestic and sexual violence programs and services in communities across the entire state.

Member program services and activities include:

  • Comprehensive, community‐based, social change efforts to end domestic and sexual violence
  • 24‐hour crisis intervention hotlines
  • Advocacy, counseling and support groups
  • Outreach and public education
  • Legal advocacy and/or court accompaniment
  • Forensic nurse examiner programs
  • Emergency safe shelter
  • Children’s programming

Benefits of Membership

Active Membership

Members are considered to have active membership status based on the criteria for each group if dues for the current year have been received by MCEDSV.

Domestic and/or Sexual Violence Service Provider Organization Voting Members Benefits

Voting membership renews in the fall. Membership is active if dues are received by the designated due date of each year, unless special arrangements have been made in advance. Active voting members receive the following benefits:

  • Voting rights on such issues as bylaw changes and Board of Director nominations
  • Participation in the MCEDSV executive director electronic list
  • Technical assistance from the MCEDSV Staff Attorney or Project Director through the Nonprofit Legal and Management Assistance Project
  • Action alerts and updates on state and national legislative and policy issues affecting survivors of domestic and sexual violence and/or service provider organizations
  • Technical assistance tools and other resources
  • Discounts on training opportunities, including Annual Conference and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • Selected MCEDSV publications including electronic publications and email updates on state and national legislative policy
  • Invitations to special events
  • Leadership, analysis and advocacy in the legislative and public policy arena on policy issues relevant to domestic and sexual violence

Organizational Supporting Members Benefits

  • Discounts on training opportunities, including Annual Conference and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • Selected MCEDSV publications including electronic publications and email updates on state and national legislative policy
  • Invitations to special events
  • Leadership, analysis and advocacy in the legislative and public policy arena on policy issues relevant to domestic and sexual violence

Individual Supporting Members Benefits

  • Discounts on training opportunities, including Annual Conference and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • Selected MCEDSV publications including electronic publications and email updates on state and national legislative policy
  • Invitations to special events
  • Leadership, analysis and advocacy in the legislative and public policy arena on policy issues relevant to domestic and sexual violence Inactive Membership
  • Domestic and/or Sexual Violence Service Provider Organization Voting Members are considered inactive if dues are not renewed by March 15 of each year, unless special arrangements are made in advance. Membership benefits are suspended when membership becomes inactive.
  • Individual or Organizational Supporting Members are considered inactive if dues are not renewed within 1 month of the date membership expires. Membership benefits are suspended when membership becomes inactive.

Criteria for Membership

Membership Types

Domestic and/or Sexual Violence Service Provider Organization Voting Members:

Eligibility – To be eligible for voting membership, organizations must:

Provide comprehensive* domestic or sexual violence services to survivors as their primary purpose.

  • Operate its principal place of business in the State of Michigan.
  • Adhere to the Mission Statement and Purpose of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence.
  • Engage in comprehensive social change to end domestic or sexual violence. *Comprehensive Service Provider – An organization can either be a comprehensive sexual assault service provider, a comprehensive domestic violence service provider, or both. The organization must meet the criteria below for each category.
  • Sexual Assault – provides direct services and offers a 24-hour crisis hotline/response to survivors of sexual assault.
  • Domestic Violence – provides direct services, offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, and provides emergency shelter to survivors of domestic violence.
  • Direct Services – counseling, advocacy, and referrals with the primary focus being to help survivors with issues involving domestic and/or sexual violence.


Organizational Supporting Member

Organizational supporting members are groups, agencies, or campuses that serve domestic or sexual violence survivors but do not meet the criteria of comprehensive service provider.

Eligibility – To be eligible for supporting membership at this level, organizations must:

  • Be interested in the issues of domestic and/or sexual violence.
  • Support the Mission Statement, Purpose and Philosophy of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence.

Follow this link to download an application to become an Organizational Supporting Member

Individual Supporting Member

Eligibility – To be eligible for supporting membership at this level, individuals must:

  • Be interested in the issues of domestic or sexual violence.
  • Support the Mission Statement and Purpose of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence. 

To inquire about supporting membership contact: